Dear Readers,
Thank you for coming here!
Hope everyone had a good long weekend and a nice break.
I did a lot of gaming.
Well, if you have decided to “Lie Down Flat”, you got to do something to pass the time.
And I realized a change of perspective could matter a lot.
1.The “Little Mule” was too bright
In “Cyberpunk 2077”, I immediately liked the “Little Mule” when I saw it. So I paid the hefty price to get it, only to find that it was not drivable.
When I got into the car, it became so bright that I could not see anything, apart from the strong light.
Clearly, this was one of the bugs that the game had not fixed yet.
After some attempts to fix it or just endure it, I was forced to switch to third person view.
Then, to my total surprise, I realized that was how it should should been.
2.A change of perspective changes a lot
I have always been a first-person view guy.
I am crazy about it to a point that I would consciously avoid third-person view games, no matter how good they are, like Gears of War, GTA (before V) etc.
But after the “forced change”, I really liked it.
You can have a comparison on below two screenshot.

First person view is great.
It is beautiful and sets players in the driver’s seat, which is in a way what the game is about, bringing virtual experience to players in a way that is as “real” as possible.
But it does come with restricted view and limits the ability for players to drive very fast without missing the turn, which is also “real” by the way.
However, with the third-person view, the driving immediately becomes much more enjoyable.
Players have much more situational awareness while driving.
And they can enjoy the view.
Most importantly, it gives the feeling of “Freedom” and “hot blood”.
Players can completely ignore the “GPS” and drive freely in the desert, flying over the mountains and across the terrain.
What‘s more, the sound is more exciting too. Players can hear the sound of tires grinding the sands, instead of just the “Mmmmm…” in the cockpit.
Overall, I think third-person view is just better for players to experience the speed, control and excitement of driving.
At least, I do not think I will ever go back to first-person view for driving.

In the end
We should not limit ourselves.
Life is about experiences.
Keep an open mind and try different perspectives.
Then we are almost guaranteed of a more fulfilled life.
Till next time!
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