Friday, February 21, 2020

The real meaning of "Commitment"

Dear Readers,

Thank you for coming here.

From my failed attempt to publish a big blog entry, which I described in my previous entry, I did manage to extract one view point. I want to share it with you in this entry.

The takeaway is that "Commitment" means doing all you can to achieve your goal. While everyone knows that, few can grasp the real meaning of it in different context and even fewer can exercise it all the time in all circumstances.

While it would be quite impossible to list out all actions we need to take in different situations to "do all we can", below are the ones that I can remember I have failed to take. And I have definitely suffered the consequences, some of which I am afraid I still have not realized. Of the ones I do realize, the latest is the loss of a 300KSGD+ job offer.

So here comes the "not exhaustive" list. "Doing all we can" means:
  1. Accessing all the potential risks beforehand
  2. Having a clear mind on the options you have and others have going forward and make a action plan that considers both
  3. Never assume
  4. Never allow yourself to be complacent
  5. Conducting self-assessment and reflection all the time 
  6. Staying humble and attentive
  7. Asking for necessary advice, even from people you do not like or even respect
  8. Never listening to any advice without assessing the interest of the people who gave them
  9. Making your own decisions and be fully responsible for them
  10. Figuring out the next 3 or 5 steps 
  11. Taking the risk and liability all on yourself if that is the best way to achieve your goal
  12. Not allowing "small matters" to pull your off the right track
  13. ... ...


  1. Hi, read your previous posts that you were about to embark on a China-related job offering. Hope that the situation improves, for the benefit of us all - many sectors and levels are being affected right now ...

    1. Hi Kevin,

      Thank you for your kind wishes. And it is really great to see signs of improvements.

      Talking about the personal effects, my offer has been delayed to next month at least due to the virus and all my travel plans and client meetings have been cancelled. It is all about working from home and online meetings now.

  2. Hi T-Minds, I too hope for improvements too for the better of everyone. To be frank, other than those sectors like retail, travel which are directly impacted by the situation, I am not sure if other sectors are making use of the opportunity to perform lay-offs / pay cuts. Hope everyone will help everyone in this economy. We are given a chance by humanity itself to do good. Let's all do good together.

  3. Hi Cheryl,

    No idea why my reply to you was not posted, which I just realized now.

    Thank you for your warm wishes to all! I believe all will be good. Companies need to prepare for the increased demand after this is all over. So if we are creating value in our job, we should be secure.

    BTW, my change of job has nothing to do with the Virus. The virus just delayed the start of my new job.

    Thank you again! Wish all the best for all!
