Thursday, November 17, 2022

Lessons from Shattered Door


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

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The wind was so strong that it shattered my glass kitchen door in the middle of the night.

It woke us up for sure and took us more than 2 hours to clean it up, vacuuming the floor over and over again, worrying that the small pieces will hurt our sons who would always run around bare-footed.

But on the other hand, luckily it was in the middle of the night. If it were during the day, probably someone would have gotten hurt. The shattered glass spread everywhere!

I remember that we discussed other options during renovation, but decided on the frameless glass door for two reasons:

  1. It looks nicer
  2. Our old flat had the same door and never caused any problem

And I think our decision process outlines two common pitfalls for renovation and many other things.

  1. Prioritize looks over usefulness or durability — a lot of times, due to not fully realizing what that thing we pick needs to go through over time
  2. Borrow from experiences, without considering the difference in circumstances

The world is a cold place as it will teach us lessons if we make wrong decisions.

For us, it is waking up in the middle of the night, spending more than 2 hours cleaning up, searching and paying for a replacement, and waiting for it to be installed while suffering from strong smells from the kitchen while cooking.

Of course, this time, we picked a door with strong frames and we are also more mindful of closing the balcony window before going to bed.

See? We learn from our mistakes!


Till next time!

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