Sunday, April 18, 2021

My Market Transactions — Wk16 2021

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

Thank you for coming here!

Here is another update on the transactions.

Capital injection: None

Busy schedule continues. I think the coming week will not be too relaxing either. 

For the market, I maybe looked at it twice in the past whole week and did not see any buying opportunities.

I am still in the RED.

And STI has been doing pretty well. Haha, I pretty much sold my STI at the lowest point and bought in other stocks at the highest point.

Almost perfect timing to drag myself in the shit…

Photo by MayoFi on Unsplash

Capital outflow: None

Again, this is not the time to sell.

Happy investing!

Till next time!

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