Thursday, December 8, 2022

Stress —Feelings vs Logic

Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

Thank you for coming here! 

Going back to work after a long time and facing tight deadlines is giving me stress.

It is probably normal. But come to think about it, what is there to stress about?

Deadlines are tight, but there is a rough plan to tackle it.

What is left is just to sit down and do it.

And stress affects my rest and keeps me tense, which will not help at all.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

This is the distinction between feelings and logic.

Feelings tells me to stress out, because there is tight timeline and I have not been in this kind of environment for a long time.

Logic asks me to analyze what there is to stress about and the result is actually not much.

If we follow feelings, it is natural and intuitive, but it is not going to be helpful.

If we follow logic, it is difficult, but we will start taking actions to solve problems at hand.

Therefore, feelings make us human and logic makes us all we can be.

Till next time!

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